Never have I destroyed something so good so quickly
I swear the new microwave is part of an evil insidous force. First of all, it doesn't behave like a normal microwave. The way mircowaves work right, is to heat up liquids, so your food gets cooked super fast, and the plate doesn't get as hot as the food, cos the plate doesn't contain moisture. But this freak of nature makes the plates freaking hot too! Because somehow it's also a griller and can also steam stuff. At least, so it (and my mum) claims.
Secondly, it even orders you about! I was trying to figure out how it worked and i pressed some button, and that thing instructed me to "STAND COVERED IN FOIL", which of course, I did not obey. Like I'm gonna take orders from that thing! It's supposed to take my orders!!! anyway, we didnt have enough foil.
But today was the final straw. It burnt my coffeebean brownie!!! I put my brownie in for ONE minute ok, just one minute, and it was SMOKING when I took it out, and it KEPT ON SMOKING for like the whole time I was trying to eat it! Coffeebean brownies are not known to be terribly moist, but when I took it out, it was burnt to a crisp. It was CRISPY. literally. It clinked on the plate like metal. Couldn't really tell how burnt it was, cos brownies are kinda all brown and black, but after attempting to eat about a third of it, it was just unbearable. The house still smells like something burnt.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
tapioca. sweet and mushy or crispy and bland. depending on how you cook me.
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- Location: Singapore
i am extraordinary, if you ever get to know me, i am extraordinary, i am just your ordinary average everyday sane psycho supergoddess
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hey! if it's so powerful.. you think it could bake like Betty Crocker brownies from the mix into the brownie in that same minute? hahaa... sorry.. just a weird idea that occured to me after hearing about the tragedy of your brownie. =P
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